FOCUSED BREATHING MEDITATION: Oil-Infused Techniques to Reinvigorate the
Mind and Body

The most constant action throughout our entire lives, except the everyday beating of the heart, is the inward and outward breath we exercise until we transition from this life. It is the most essential part of human life that it forms an essential part of our quantum aspect of living. Without access to this constant breath of life, our bodies die. Without applying proper inhalation and exhalation of breath, our organs (especially the brain), cells, tissue and blood vessels functionalities suffer. Look at it this way too, if our bodies are made up of mostly water which is H2O, whereby the “O” aspect is the oxygen element; then, to constantly replenish the body with sufficient oxygen means ongoing rejuvenation of bodily equilibrium of the oxygen component of the water element (i.e. H2O). Now that we have this perspective presented, it is best to steer our curiosity to the definition of FOCUSED BREATHING MEDITATION for the purpose of mindfulness practice, a.k.a. Meditation. In her article, “How to Start a Focused Meditation Practice on Very Well Mind”, Elizabeth Scott states:

~~~Focused meditation involves focusing on something intently as a way of staying in the present moment and slowing down the inner dialogue. Unlike classic mediation (where you focus on nothing to quiet the mind), with focused meditation, you still remain in the present, but focus wholly on one thing, typically sensory stimulus-like sounds, visual items, tactile sensations, tastes, smells, and even your own breathing.~~~

So to bring it all together, Focused Breathing Meditation incorporates the use of
focusing on your breath as a focal point during your meditation. The next best thing to know are the advantages of including this practice in your health and wellness lifestyle. Some of these advantages are:

  1. Reduce stress levels in your body
  2. Lower your heart rate
  3. Lower your blood pressure
  4. Improve diabetic symptoms
  5. Reduce depression
  6. Better manage chronic pain
  7. Better regulate your body’s reaction to stress and fatigue
  8. Reduce the possibility of burnout for caregivers.

8 Recommended ‘Young Living’ oils for meditation and aromatherapy:-


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